He Touched Me with Something Beautiful

License Master
Click on the License type to request a master license.

Music Services is not authorized to license the song related to this master. See Frequently Asked Questions for more information on how to find the publisher of a song.
Product containing the master to be licensed. See Products table at the bottom of the page if you need more information.

Note: Music Services, Inc. does not sell tracks. If you need the music to the master you are licensing, you will need to either purchase a legal copy or contact the record label directly.

LifeWay Worship
Title Company Release numbers
Let's Sing Southern Gospel V2 LifeWay Worship 005722589/634337487496: Bass rehearsal track, 0057 ...
Let's Sing Southern Gospel V2 LifeWay Worship 005644871/634337389745: Choral Book
Let's Sing Southern Gospel V2 LifeWay Worship 005722590/634337487526: Choral E-book
Let's Sing Southern Gospel V2 LifeWay Worship 005722754/634337488318: CD preview pak
Let's Sing Southern Gospel V2 LifeWay Worship 005722756/634337488332: Bulk CDs
Let's Sing Southern Gospel V2 LifeWay Worship 005722763/634337488387: ProTools stem mixes
Let's Sing Southern Gospel V2 LifeWay Worship 005722755/634337488325: Let's Sing Kit
Let's Sing Southern Gospel V2 LifeWay Worship 005722592: CD Performance/split