Go Through The Gates

City of Peace Media, Inc
677797001925: CD - Compact Disc
Track Title Artist Label
1 On Your Walls O Jerusalem Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
2 V'Ahavta Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
3 Go Through the Gates Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
4 Shabechi Yerushalayim Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
5 We Delight In Your Shabbat Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
6 Shimcha Kadosh Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
7 Hashmieni Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
8 Sos Asis Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
9 Hoshia Et Amecha Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
10 Hashomer Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
11 In The Latter Days Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.
12 Ma Navu Barry & Batya Segal City of Peace Media, Inc.