Shiru Le'Elohim

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Karen Davis/Joy Greig
Galilee Of The Nations Music
City of Peace Media, Inc 100%
     Galilee Of The Nations Music      100%
Title Artist Product
Shiru Le'Elohim Karen Davis Elohim
Shiru Le'Elohim, Zamru Le'Adonai

Larochev, bashamayim, kol oz yiten be'kolo
tenu oz Le'Elohim, uzo bashchakim

Nora Elohim, mimikdashecha
Yiten Adonai, oz le'amo
Tsivah Eloheicha, et uzecha, uzah Elohim

Shiru Le'Adonai, zamru lo.
Sing to the Lord a new song

Sing to God, praise His name you kingdoms of the earth

He who rides upon the heavens sends out his voice
A mighty voice ascribe strength unto God
His strength is in the clouds
Awesome from your holy places, God of Israel strengthen us
Strengthen God, what you've created
Blessed be God

from Psalm 68:4 & Deuteronomy 33:26