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Kyle Lee / Matthew Harris / Josiah Funderburk / Mark Harris
Coastal Lyric
Mark Harris Music 5%
     Coastal Lyric      5%
Title Artist Product
Monuments (feat. Mark Harris) Gateway Worship Monuments
We’ve seen, we’ve heard
Stories of Your goodness
When lost were found
And broken hearts were healed

We’ve known, we’ve felt
The power of your presence
When mountains fell
And every wave was stilled

One look at what You’ve done
Is a glimpse of what’s to come

Every miracle
Every step of faith
Every victory
Rises up to say
We are the Monuments
Of Your faithfulness
Every captive soul
That has been set free
Stand and testify
We have been redeemed
We are the Monuments
Of Your faithfulness

What life, what death
Could ever separate us
The blood You shed
Will always be enough

These monuments
of what You’ve done
These monuments
Of Your great love
Every war that You have won
Just a glimpse of what’s to come