Pleasures Forevermore

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Marty & Jennifer Goetz
Singin' In The Reign, LLC
Music Services 100%
     Singin' In The Reign, LLC      100%
Title Artist Product
Pleasures Forevermore Marty Goetz I Call You Friend - Marty Goetz
Always stay at my right hand
And I will not be moved
And I will pray that in Your sight
I might stand approved
You've given more than I could ask
How pleasant is the boundary
Around the portion and the lot
I got the day You found me


You have shown me Your paths, Oh Lord
In Your presence is fullness of joy
In Your right hand are pleasures
In Your right hand are pleasures
In Your right hand are pleasures
Forevermore, pleasures forevermore

Apart from You I've nothing good
Your counsel's my delight
You're daily, truly guiding me
Consulting in the night
You drink the cup filled up with what
The Life I led would merit
And shed instead eternity
Into the cup I inherit

(Repeat Chorus)

Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices
You're continually before me
My eyes upon You, to You I run, my blessed One

(Repeat Chorus)

I'll adore and treasure You, forevermore