I Am

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Marty Goetz
Singin' In The Reign, LLC
Music Services 100%
     Singin' In The Reign, LLC      100%
Title Artist Product
I Am Marty Goetz I Call You Friend - Marty Goetz
Come, behold the works of the Lord
How He has wrought the desolation
How He has brought His early help
The Lord of Hosts is with us
The God of Jacob is our refuge

When the nations rage
And the kingdoms fall
He says I Am, I Am, I Am all
And there's a river
Whose streams make glad the City of God
They flow to His holy habitation
They flow to the home of the most high

The Lord of Hosts is with us
The God of Jacob is our refuge
He breaks the bow, He shatters the spear
And says I Am, I Am, I Am here
So we will not fear
Though the worlds should change
Though the waters roar
Though the mountains shake and tremble
For He's a present help in trouble, in trouble

Be still and know that I am God
I am exalted in the nations
I am exalted in the earth
The Lord of Hosts is with us
The God of Jacob is our refuge
To the ends of the Earth
He causes wars to cease and says
I Am, I Am, I Am peace
He says I Am, I Am, I Am peace