Let Us Run

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Marty Goetz
Singin' In The Reign, LLC
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     Singin' In The Reign, LLC      100%
Title Artist Product
Let Us Run Marty Goetz Psalm Enchanted Evening - Marty Goetz
Can you see how we are surrounded
By so great a cloud of witnesses
Those who paid the price
The supreme sacrifice
Those of whom whis world was not worthy


Let us run, run, run the race with endurance
Laying aside every weight
Casting aside every sin
Let us run, run, fixing our eyes on the Son
Looking to Him, finishing what we've begun
Let us run

And can you see now we are entrusted
With continuing what others started
They have passed the baton
Straight and fast till we've won
We will run for Him who is holy

(Repeat Chorus)


Oh and yes, there are some who have stumbled, fallen
God only knows I am one
Still I press toward the goal
For the Lord who's callin' me
He's gone before, He's my reward
When I am done, let us run

(Repeat Chorus)