Walk with Jesus

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John Michael Talbot
Troubadour For The Lord Music
Troubadour for the Lord Music 100%
     Troubadour For The Lord Music      100%
Title Artist Product
Walk with Jesus John Michael Talbot Monk Rock
He will walk by my side
He will lead me to good pastures
With His rod and staff
He'll guide
I will walk and follow Jesus

For He is my Shepherd good
He feeds my soul with finest food
He will walk by my side
I will walk and follow Jesus

Though I walk in valleys dark
My soul shall fear no evil
For beside He does walk
I will walk and follow Jesus

By peaceful waters rest my soul
In verdant pastures I repose
So my cup now overflows
I will walk and follow Jesus

Spread Your table before me
You anoint my head with oil
Good and kindness follow me
Dwelling in the House of Jesus

Dwelling in the House of God
Until my days are come and gone
I will walk in heaven beyond
I will walk and follow Jesus

I will walk in heavenly ...
I will walk and follow Jesus